Projects > Asazuki - A moon in the morning

Asazuki - A moon in the morning

3min / HD / Color

Directed and written by Julieta Lasarte

Dancer and Voice Over by Tomo Sone

Edited by Julieta Lasarte

Film made with the support of AADK


Inspired by a tanka (a Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables) from Man’yosyu (8th-century anthology of Japanese poetry): “The boxwood comb from Himuka, where the moon in the morning faces the rising sun, is getting old but no matter how long I look at you, I never get tired of it.” We created a video which is dealing with the meaning to have always different eyes to see the same world.

The title of the video, Asazuki means “a moon in the morning”. We are fascinated by a moon when we started the very first shooting on the top of the mountain in winter early morning and this image led us to reach this tanka.

We are not using any post-movie effects and using only effects we made manually.

Awards and Selected Secreenings

Roppongi Art Night - Tokio, 2021